For any job, the most important step of your selection process comes - Personal Interview You can not take any chance here because everything depends entirely on your individual performance, that is, how do you answer the questions in general interview? Then there is more trouble when you are a fresher and this is your first job interview. Being nervous at such a time is completely human, but how to ensure that the answers you are going to give are quite smart.

Will it not be good if you know precisely what HR can ask you in your next job interview? It is also important to mention here that you can consider which HR is going to ask you, there is no way to ensure which topics will be covered or which questions will be asked, although some HR interviews Many unusual questions ask for, but most of the HRs exchange common questions and answers. Here are some of the most common interview questions, as well as the way to answer them, then they start.

Note: It is not possible that questions should be asked in this order.

1. Tell something about yourself

Your HR will probably start with an IS question about you and your background to know you. Here you are definitely not going to tell HR about your favorite dish, movie or actor. The interviewer asks this question to you how you present yourself. The best way to answer this general interview question is to tell about your family's background, education and hobbies. However, it should not look like the story of your life and you should concentrate on sharing a bit about your strength, this is probably your first and best chance to discuss further about the job. Helps in making

A formula that I really like to use is called the present-past-future formula. So, first you start from the present - where you are now. Then, talk about the past - about the experiences you have and the skills you have gained. Finally, end with the future - why are you excited for this special occasion?

I give you an example:

If someone asked, "Tell me about yourself," you might say:

"OK, I am currently an account executive in XYZ, where I handle a customer performing his top performance (TOP PERFORMANCE). Earlier, I worked in an agency where I was on three different major national health brands (NATIONAL HEALTHCARE BRANDS). And when I enjoyed the actual work done, then I got a chance to understand the work very deeply with a specific healthcare company (SPECIFIC HEALTHCARE COMPANY), which is why I am very concerned about this opportunity with the Metro Health Center I'm excited. "

Talk more about your experiences and skills that are going to be the most relevant for the hiring manager when they are thinking about this particular situation and this company.


"Thank you for this occasion, Sir / Madam. I'm from XYZ City. My father is the central government employee and my mother is a vice-principal in a private school. My younger sister will take her CBSE 10th Board examination this year. On a personal front, I see myself as a confident, conscientious and industrious person. I complete any work without any hesitation, provided the instructions are clear. In case of suspicion, I never hesitate to put my questions in front. I have always been a fast learner, and I like to maintain my learning process to know better ways to solve problems. Apart from this, I like to compete with my own past performances compared to competing with my colleagues, because I believe improvement is always better! "

2. Why do you want to work with this company?

Companies mostly ask freshers for this general interview question. To know how much they know about the company they want to work in. So, always try to know as much as you can about the company. If the company has its own website then any candidate can read the company's "About" page.

When the interviewer asks this, they are not necessarily trying to understand that you understand the company's mission and vision - they want to know whether you care about it. Start with a line that helps you understand the company's goals, such as, "I'm personally prepared for this mission because ..." or "I really believe this approach because ... "And give one or two personal examples. Mention aspects of the company that match the career goals. Explain why you are looking for these things in the employer.


I am a customer of myself (company name). The company was founded (the company's founders' name). He first worked for a foreign company, and then left his job to start his firm in India. Today it is one of the fastest growing companies in India and is fully prepared to create new records. Everyone knows, who is part of this organization, is very happy to work here. I think it will be a great place to showcase my talent, display my talent and get recognition as well.

3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

This is one of the most important interview questions because the selector analyzes your strengths and weaknesses for your role in the job and tries to understand the challenges in the role of new job. Therefore, be cautious while explaining any of your strengths or weaknesses. Good idea is to share the powers that are real and those related to the job.

Keep in mind while telling weakness It can never be said that you have no weakness because it shows you arrogant. A better way is to choose an actual weakness, which you are working to improve. Please tell what you are doing to remove that weakness. In this way, you are completing your answer on a positive note.


"I have many strengths - I am patient, honest and self-motivated. I easily forgive My biggest weakness is that when I am seriously involved in some work, I do not like any kind of interruption. My other weakness is that I trust people very easily. As I said earlier, I am a very patient person, so I am actively trying to solve this weakness.

4. What are your hobbies? Or "What do you like to do out of work?"

Now if you think that the employer is interested in learning about your hobby, then this is an important interview question. If someone asks about the hobbies of your work, it is fine to open it, which in fact really makes you feel better.


"I have a passion for painting. I have been a painter since childhood. Even today, I make some painting during the weekend. It makes me feel meeless.


"I have a passion for cooking. I like to experiment with a new dish or new recipe every time. Every weekend, my friends come to my place to try a new dish.

However, if you are not very active outside the job, you can also talk about your friends and family or those things that make you whole.

5. Why should you keep us?

This question is an opportunity for the interviewer to show your desire for a job. The best way to answer this question is to talk about your skills and strengths that match the role of job. You can also share some of your projects or manage some important assignments in your college that reflect your strengths. Your job here is to prepare an answer that can make it clear that you will not only work, you can also give great results; You will fit with the team; And you are better than other candidates.


"Sir / Madam, I have great communication skills, the desired experience and skill set for the role of this job. If I get a chance to showcase my capabilities, then I will not miss any hard work and dedication. "

What is your biggest achievement so far?

The answer is better than a track record to get amazing results in past jobs, there is nothing, so do not hesitate to answer this question! A great way to do this is to use the S-T-A-R method:

S = (Situation) status, in what context did your biggest achievement happen?
T = work, what challenges did you face or what goal did you want to achieve?
A = action, what action did you take? Which skills did you use?
R = (Result), what was the result? What did you learn from experience? Why is this your biggest achievement?

Set up the work that you need to tell to the interviewer (for example, "In my last job as a junior analyst, it was my role (at what was your work), in that work Describing your time as to what you have actually done (action) and what you achieved (the result). For example, "In one month, I streamlined the process, which invoices the invoice Let's imagine the interviewer that errors have to share the reduced by 25%. Your prime target only those achievements that your achievements How can he use to you how you can contribute to the company.


Status: "My biggest achievement is when I took over a reading group of children as a Library Assistant. Children between 7 and 12 years can come to the library on Saturday morning, we read a chapter of a book and then we do a group discussion on it. "

Task: "At that time, my official responsibility was to provide customer service at the front desk. However, one of our Library Supervisors retired and no replacement was placed. Due to lack of staff, the library made a difficult decision to cut weekly reading of the children. "

Action: "I am sad to hear about the frustration experienced by children and their parents. I volunteered to change my shift so I worked on Saturday morning and started Reading Group. Now I'm the leader of the group. I help in choosing books that prepare questions for academic discussion and organize games and other activities. "

Results: "We get about five to ten children per session. Their parents are very grateful that we are capable of continuing the group and I enjoy talking with children who love to read. "


In the first job interview, answering this question often becomes difficult. Of course, at this level, we are more concerned about the first year of our job and the plan of about 5 years is challenging for many freshers. Do not worry, the idea of ​​asking this question is mainly to examine two things. First of all, the desire to be with your company for a long time, and secondly, how well you are planning on your career goals.

To answer, provide general ideas about the skills you want to develop.


"My current goal is to find a career spot, which ensures sustained growth with new challenges every day. After 5 years from now on, I see myself as an experienced and trusted senior in the team and 5 years from now, I think I will be prepared to take managerial responsibilities. I want to make a stable career in the same organization and hope that wherever I start, I will get it. "


This is a difficult question, but you can be sure that you will be asked. Definitely keep things positive - you do not have to be negative about your previous employers. Instead, frame things in such a way that it shows that you are eager to take new opportunities and the role you are interviewing for is better than your current or final position. For example, "I like to be part of product development from beginning to end, and I know that is the opportunity for me here."


I am looking for an opportunity which will give me the ability to build relationships with customers deeper and longer. In my current role, the sales cycle is so small that I do not take the time to adjust to my customers as much as I like. Creating positive relationships is one of the reasons why I chose my career in marketing and I am eager to work with a company in which it is a top priority.


Probably the worst response given in any interview as "No" is. Most job interviews stop at this last question, where the interviewer leaves the scope for removing your suspicions. And gives you the chance to ask if there is any doubt in your mother. This is probably your first chance during the interview, to ask a question. Inquiries will indicate that you are well prepared for the interview and you are still absorbed in the conversation. It will also show that you take an interest in the organization. Prepare a list of questions about the company that can help you get familiarized with the role of the job. Ask intelligent questions that show your curiosity to learn more about the company, its policies, people, any specific skills, which you need to get for the given role. Avoid asking useless questions like how many times the company organizes parties, or how fast you will be promoted to the next level!

Examples :

"How is your journey so far in this organization? What excites you most about working here? Ideally how long does it take for a person to prove their caliber? Where is the organization in the next years? What are the next steps in this interview? "

Like preparing for an exam in school, the best way to succeed in your interview is study and practice. Research on company and job and practice your talking points until you feel confident about your answers. The more you prepare, the more likely it is that you can leave a lasting impression and perform better than fellow candidates. We hope that this compilation of some of the most frequently asked interview questions and answers will help you in your next interview round. Once you are with your interview, do not forget to share your interview experience with us. We would love to know how it happened. Good luck!

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